Source code for corels.utils

from __future__ import print_function, division, with_statement
import numpy as np
import pickle

def check_array(x, ndim=None):
    if not hasattr(x, 'shape') and \
       (type(x) == str or not hasattr(x, '__len__')) and \
       not hasattr(x, '__array__'):
       raise TypeError("Array must be provided, got: " + str(type(x)))

    x = np.array(x, order='C', copy=False)

    if ndim and ndim != x.ndim:
        raise ValueError("Array must be " + str(ndim) + "-dimensional in shape, got " + str(x.ndim) +
                         " dimensions instead")

    asbool = x.astype(np.bool)

    if not np.array_equal(x, asbool):
        raise ValueError("Array must contain only binary members (0 or 1), got " + str(x));

    return asbool

def check_consistent_length(x, y):
    if x.ndim < 1 or y.ndim < 1:
        raise ValueError("Arrays must have at least one dimension")

    return x.shape[0] == y.shape[0]

def check_is_fitted(o, n):
    if not hasattr(o, n) or not getattr(o, n):
        raise ValueError("Model not fitted yet")

def get_feature(features, i):
    if not features or abs(i) > len(features):
        return ""

    if i < 0:
        return "not " + features[-i - 1]
        return features[i - 1]
def check_in(name, allowed, val):
    if not val.lower() in allowed:
        allowed_str = "'" + "' '".join(allowed) + "'"
        raise ValueError(name + " must be chosen from " + allowed_str +
                         ", got: " + val)

def check_features(features):
    if not isinstance(features, list):
        raise TypeError("Features must be a list, got: " + str(type(features)))
    for i in range(len(features)):
        if not isinstance(features[i], str):
            raise TypeError("Each feature much be a string, got: " + str(type(features[i])))

def check_rulelist(rl):
    if not hasattr(rl, "rules") or not hasattr(rl, "features") or not hasattr(rl, "prediction_name"):
        raise ValueError("Rulelist must have the following attributes: 'rules', 'features', 'prediction_name'")

    if not isinstance(rl.rules, list):
        raise TypeError("Rulelist rules must be a list, got: " + str(type(rl.rules)))
    if not isinstance(rl.prediction_name, str):
        raise TypeError("Prediction name must be a string, got: " + str(type(rl.prediction_name)))

    n_features = len(rl.features)

    if len(rl.rules) < 1:
        raise ValueError("Rulelist must contain at least the default rule")

    for r in range(len(rl.rules)):
        if not isinstance(rl.rules[r], dict):
            raise TypeError("Each rule must be a dict, got: " + str(type(rl.rules[r])))
        if not "prediction" in rl.rules[r]:
            raise ValueError("Rule dicts must contain 'prediction' key")
        if not "antecedents" in rl.rules[r]:
            raise ValueError("Rule dicts must contain 'antecedents' key")
        if not isinstance(rl.rules[r]["prediction"], (bool, int)):
            raise TypeError("Rule predictions must be bools or ints, got: " + str(type(rl.rules[r]["prediction"])))
        if not isinstance(rl.rules[r]["antecedents"], list): 
            raise TypeError("Rule antecedents must be lists, got: " + str(type(rl.rules[r]["antecedents"])))

        a_len = len(rl.rules[r]["antecedents"])
        for i in range(a_len):
            rule = rl.rules[r]["antecedents"][i]
            if not isinstance(rule, int):
                raise TypeError("Rule id must be an int, got: " + str(type(rule)))
            if abs(rule) > n_features:
                raise ValueError("Rule id out of bounds: " + str(rule))

        if r == (len(rl.rules) - 1) and (a_len != 1 or rl.rules[r]["antecedents"][0] != 0):
            raise ValueError("Last rule in the rulelist must be the default prediction,"
                             " with antecedents '[0]', got: " + str(rl.rules[r]["antecedents"]))

[docs]class RuleList: """This class represents a rulelist. It is used to store the model generated by ``. Attributes ---------- rules : list Set of rule indices (into the features array) that comprise the rulelist. features : list Set of all features. An array of strings. prediction_name : str Name of the feature being predicted. """ def __init__(self, rules=[], features=[], prediction_name=""): self.rules = rules self.features = features self.prediction_name = prediction_name
[docs] def save(self, fname): """ Save the rulelist to a file, using python's pickle module. Parameters ---------- fname : string File name to store the rulelist in Returns ------- self : obj """ check_rulelist(self) with open(fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump({ "f": self.features, "r": self.rules, "p": self.prediction_name }, f) return self
[docs] def load(self, fname): """ Load a rulelist from a file, using python's pickle module. Parameters ---------- fname : string File name to load the rulelist from Returns ------- self : obj """ with open(fname, "rb") as f: rl_dict = pickle.load(f) if not "r" in rl_dict or not "f" in rl_dict or not "p" in rl_dict: raise ValueError("Invalid rulelist file") rl = RuleList() rl.rules = rl_dict["r"] rl.features = rl_dict["f"] rl.prediction_name = rl_dict["p"] check_rulelist(rl) self.rules = rl.rules self.features = rl.features self.prediction_name = rl.prediction_name return self
def __str__(self): check_rulelist(self) tot = "RULELIST:\n" if len(self.rules) == 1: tot += self.prediction_name + " = " + str(self.rules[0]["prediction"]) else: for i in range(len(self.rules) - 1): feat = get_feature(self.features, self.rules[i]["antecedents"][0]) for j in range(1, len(self.rules[i]["antecedents"])): feat += " && " + get_feature(self.features, self.rules[i]["antecedents"][j]) tot += "if [" + feat + "]:\n " + self.prediction_name + " = " + str(bool(self.rules[i]["prediction"])) + "\nelse " tot += "\n " + self.prediction_name + " = " + str(bool(self.rules[-1]["prediction"])) return tot def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() + "\nAll features: (" + str(self.features) + ")"
[docs]def load_from_csv(fname): """ Load a dataset from a csv file. The csv file must contain n_samples+1 rows, each with n_features+1 columns. The last column of each sample is its prediction class, and the first row of the file contains the feature names and prediction class name. Parameters ---------- fname : str File name of the csv data file Returns ------- X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features] The sample data y : array-line, shape = [n_samples] The target values for the sample data features : list A list of strings of length n_features. Specifies the names of each of the features. prediction_name : str The name of the prediction class """ import csv features = [] prediction_name = "" with open(fname, "r") as f: features = f.readline().strip().split(",") prediction_name = features[-1] features = features[0:-1] data = np.genfromtxt(fname, dtype=np.uint8, skip_header=1, delimiter=",") X = data[:, 0:-1] y = data[:, -1] return X, y, features, prediction_name